Non-organic produce is not bad for you, it just is not as good for you. Pesticides and herbicides are bad for you. If something has pesticides, it cannot be labeled "organic". But just because something is not labeled "organic" does not mean that it does necessarily contain pesticide residue. This is one reason why it is great to shop at your local farmer's market; where you can actually ask the farmer about how it was grown. Just like it is in everything, politics plays a role here. Getting certified Organic costs money, and big Food industry is working hard to get the standards for "Organic" certification lowered. The best is to grow your own food if you can.
The following list shows which foods are more and less important to eat organic. This is only in refence to the liklihood, type, and amount of pesticide residue.
Items you must buy organic | Items you don’t have to buy organic |
Apples | Asparagus |
Bell Peppers | Avacados |
Celery | Bananas |
Cherries | Broccoli |
Imported Grapes | Cabbage |
Nectarines | Corn (sweet, frozen) |
Peaches | Kiwi |
Pears | Mangos |
Potatoes | Onions |
Raspberries | Pineapples |
Spinach | Peas (sweet, frozen) |
Strawberries | |
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