Tuesday, June 9, 2009

why vegetarianism is not best

why vegetarianism is not best.

"Vegetarianism is best suited for monks, living in the shelter of a temple, spending their days in seated meditation" -Dr. Miriam Lee (paraphrased)

Those of us with a more active lifestyle need a little bit of a more active food source.
Giving up meat will usually show short-term improvement (since we are all oversdosed on it), but almost always leads to a long-term deficiency.

Most Americans have far to much red meat and that is not good. It is clearly associated with myriad diseases. Vegetarians almost have it right, but they go a little too far. The Chinese recommend that we have 2 ounces, twice a week, of specifically mammal meat.

One of the theories is that we, as mammals, are at a higher level of organization than plants, fish or fowl. In order to maintain ourselves functioning optimally at that higher level, we should get a little bit of that raw material in our weekly diet. A little bit of fish and chicken are good too, but we do need a little bit of mammal in our weekly diet.

One of the things we get from mammal meat (and it does not sound appealing at all) is blood. Blood nourishes the tissues, but it also cools and calms. Long-term veggies tend to become pale, emaciated, less-resistant to disease, they are more prone to insomnia, anxiety; it can disrupt menstruation. My wife specializes in treating fertility and it is well-known in the Eastern medicine community that vegetarian women have a harder time conceiving. There is not enough blood to nourish the embryo.

Most people will notice an improvement in their health when they give up meat, but years later when their health deteriorates, they never associate it with the change in diet. DIETARY CHANGES TAKE A LONG TIME TO PLAY OUT.

As far as the humanitarian aspect goes, I believe that god loves carrots too. Every living thing has life force that makes it want to protect itself and procreate. That carrot would rather stay in the ground and live to a ripe old age rather than being plucked from its home and diced into my salad. So it is not possible to do no harm and live. Everything has to eat something. So doing no harm is not possible; that is not the goal. What is important is to be thankful, mindful, and not wasteful of the lives that had go be given so that ours may continue (animal and plant).

When the Christians came to Tibet, they tried to convince the natives to eat fish (the food of Jesus) rather than yaks. They figured "why sacrifice 100 souls to feed the village when we could just sacrifice one?" I don't mean to imply that we should only eat big animals, but it's an interesting point of view.

Chicken is not better than beef, a variety is best. White meat is not better than dark, a variety is best. Egg whites are not better than yolks. Eat a little bit of everything, mostly vegetables, mostly cooked, and you'll be good.

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