Today I am downtown at the Tiffani Kim Institute, seeing patients. I read some great studies about how acupuncture reduces side-effects of chemo and radiation, so I have copied those and am sending them out to all the oncologists with whom I have worked in the past. Acupuncture should be a prt of everybody's comprehensive cancer care. It reduces all the side-effects; from the annoying (nausea, dry mouth, neuropathy) to the life-threatening (impaired immune system). Patients who have acupuncture in addition to convention chemo and/or radiation have a better quality of life, fewer and less-severe side-effects, and live longer.

Today, as I was yesterday and am everyday, I am basking in the glory of being a father. My wife made me a husband, and my daughter made me a father. I am an acupuncturist, student, teacher, author, and more; but father and husband are my most important and rewarding roles.
We work a lot with couples battling infertility. My wife is the top fertility acupuncturist in the midwest. We always wanted all of our patients to be able to conceive, but now it means so much more. We want everyone to feel this joy and love that we do. If you know of couples trying to conceive, have them seek out Jeanie for acupuncture, and buy her book, Fully Fertile.
Looking back, this post is not very cohesive. I'll try harder next time.
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