Friday, July 3, 2009

another review and article posted

I have had an article accepted by ezine articles and they have given me Expert status on their website.

Another nice review was recently posted on about my book by Sun Wind Pinion Earthmom

I bought this book for someone else but one peek inside and I was hooked. Read it cover to cover and am keeping it to refer to. (yes, I had to buy another for my friend!) What a wonderful book.

The information is clear, common sense, gently put across, and not complicated. It rang very clear and positive for me and has helped me to make some important changes in a diet that I thought was pretty good but now see very logical flaws.

Thank you Jason Bussell! This one is a treasure.

Thank you Earthmom. I'm glad you enjoy it and are learning from it.

1 comment:

  1. I just found this blog and it was a very nice surprise to come across your mention of my review with thanks. We have come full circle. :)

    I also am happy to have found you on Twitter - as I have tweeted many times about this wonderful book. You give important information and your manner is very plain and conversational, gentle, not sensationalized. That's important when we are overloaded with hype everyday.

    I wish you the very best, am rereading your book and will continue to tweet about it.

    :> earthmom

    (earthmom22 on Twitter)
